Monday, December 20, 2010

sick days: love / hate relationship

So David and I were on a Christmas party binge this weekend and are now paying the price.  All the gorging, heavy drinking, games, small talk and white elephant gift exchanges have been replaced by the stomach flu (I feel better if I call it a 24 hour bug bc I'm letting all the germies know that they need to be out by tomorrow, but who the heck knows).  Dave has it pretty bad (running to the toilet and fever/chills --- in the back of my head all night I was kinda scared he was going to accidentally barf on me) and I'm just nauseous and acidic / bubbly inside.  I could probably go to work (I've used up all my time so today is probably going to be unpaid leave) but I also wanted to stay home and take care of him.  I won the record with the world's longest cold (six weeks) and he was very attentive, not to mention that he nursed me through a killer hang over on Sunday, so I'm happy to return the favor for one unpaid day. 

Plus, we had such a busy weekend that I'm perfectly happy to lay on the couch and watch movies all day before rejoining the craziness at work tomorrow (HEAR THIS:  starting today, new SOP, new system upgrades, we are officially paperless, photo, fax, INTL and LatAm are in USES, and we no longer read out loud during qas). 

We are officially in for the day and have plenty of gatorade and chicken noodle soup for all who are interested.  Happy Monday! 

1 comment:

  1. holy crap work sounds like it's gonna be a doozy. no longer read out loud??? what the what.

    i had an awful hangover on sunday too. drinking is for the youth.
