Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Favorite Things - November

1.  Honorable mention at the top of this month's list:  NKOTBSB

That's right.  New Kids on the Block and the Backstreet Boys, larger than life (hehe).  Sunday night D and I were flipping through the channels and just happened to catch the very last performance of the American Music Awards, in all it's amazing glory.  Please dedicate the next five minutes and fifty two seconds to the greatness that is NKOTBSB.

2.  Christmas carols on the radio.  I know it can seem a little premature, but I'm so excited about the crackling fire, twinkling lights and yummy egg nog that I can't help myself from tuning into the two 24/7 Christmas stations for a little pick me up.  Seriously, hearing the perfect holiday song at the right moment really takes the edge off a long work day.

3.  Tea thermos.  My sister called me last week to ask if I would be interested in a tea thermos for Christmas, and I told her hells yeah! Since I've been sick for the past week, I've been drinking a TON of tea.  She took pity on my sicky sick self and brought it to me on Saturday instead of waiting til Christmas.  I seriously haven't had coffee since Sunday and instead have had like 3 cups of tea a day, just because I love drinking from my classy ceramic tea carafe.

I have the thermos on the left
4.  cheesy I know, but give some love for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.  I've only really grown to love these movies since the characters have gotten older and the movies a bit darker, so no, I'm not die hard, I would lose at HP trivia, I would never dress up for a premiere, and no, I've never read a book, but don't hate...I can enjoy a good movie just as much as the next person. 

Another mentionable movie I saw with an interesting story line:  'The Kids Are All Right'  Google it.
5.  My friend Violet.  She is amazing and a dreamer and down to earth and funny and brave and adventurous and strong and smart and a great mom and fun friend.  We treated ourselves to a post birthday Girls Weekend (I am two days older than she is) in Denver.  We went with no plans except to relax, stay at a great hotel, eat good food, and go to the Broncos game...all plans were wildly successful.  This is our second vacation together and I felt bad that she might think I'm a huge blabber mouth, but do you have those people in your life who you feel are just appendages of yourself and you know they think the exact same way you do? and think all the same things are interesting? and around other people you can't just say every little thing that comes to your mind, but with your bestie soul friend partner, you can say anything, or too much of all things, and they are like, "yeah, totally, me too!"?  That's Violet.  Love her.  Seriously think we are some kind of soul mates and this weekend just really sealed the deal because it worked out perfectly, almost too perfect at some points, like surreal-ly perfect.  The universe wanted us to be in Denver that weekend, and we were happy to oblige.
Double Daughters - our pizza / cocktail bar of choice, two nights in a row

6.  Okay, maybe not really a November favorite, but definitely a November milestone.  I recently watched the very last episode of M*A*S*H.  It was season 11, episode 16, originally aired on Feb. 28, 1983 and was the most watched episode in television history up until the recent 2010 XLIV Super Bowl. 

This is something that not widely known:  My dad used to tell me that my grandma watched MASH because Col. Harry Potter looked just like my grandpa.  I never saw an episode until staying at a family friend's house where I watched a day long marathon of MASH episodes and I was hooked.  That was six or seven years ago, and since then I bought all eleven seasons on DVD, one by one, and watching an episode has become my nightly ritual, and sometimes is my Saturday comfort.  Most people don't understand it, and David really just tolerates it, but it's just my thing, take it or leave it.  I haven't watched it every single night for the past seven years, but I've definitely watched every episode at least five times and can't fall asleep without it...sometimes I even wake up in the middle of the night, and turn on an episode before I can fall back asleep.  Why?  It's dim and technicolor, there is no sound track aside from the intro song, the canned laugh track is as soothing as falling rain, and the characters, in my opinion, are the most original and sincere people ever. It was SO ahead of its time.  Homophobia, pre-marital sex, racism, STDs, alcoholism, anti-war sentiment, mental health problems, were all common topics as well as acceptance, endurance, friendship, etc.  (Also, there is something very sexy about tall skinny Army surgeons who do not follow protocol).  I'm still going to watch MASH every night, but I have officially seen EVERY episode.  #1 fan.  high five.

7.  Coldwater Creek infinity scarf.  Ok, so it's a store for middle- / older-aged ladies, but I actually found myself liking quite a few things in there while shopping with my mom last weekend.  It's getting fricken cold outside and it made all of their scarves look even better.  This is one I'm gonna go back for when pay day comes, and I'll probably pick up a few extras as x-mas presents as well.  
8.  Also in the shopping theme....LOVE Cost Plus World Market.  I went in there on Sunday "just to get some ideas" and left with $50 worth of Xmas decorations (and I edited by selections about a million times just to get down to the $50 mark).  I love this place.  It's all stuff that both D and I like, and I could decorate our house up and down, inside and out, using only their worldly-hippie-mildly overpriced wares (some things are better bought at Hobby Lobby).  But seriously, you can buy Williams Sonoma / Pottery Barn type things, for 1/4 the price.  Frames, candle holders, wine, chocolate, rugs, pillows, bath stuff, pictures, dishes and kitchen stuff...just never buy their furniture.  It is for midgets and you will pay out the wazoo.

I will be back there this weekend to start my Xmas will be wonderful.

I bought these last weekend, but didn't realize you put the candle on top.  In the store they were flipped the other way so I've had them with the candle inside.  Now that I see them this way, I like them even more.
9.  David comes home tomorrow.  Technically it's happening in December, and isn't really a 'favorite,' just a VIP.  He's been in New Hampshire visiting his dad for a week and I've been perfectly content without him, until today.  Now that I know he's coming back tomorrow, I can't wait to have him home!  Back in the day I wouldn't be able to function without him, but a lot has changed and I am happy for him to go off and explore on his own knowing that he is coming back to our house to be with me.  Also,  I'm happy to have the time to myself to do things I don't normally prioritize when he is home (like dust every single surface in the house and file, shred, and open piles of mail, dirty every dish in the cabinet and then wash them all at once, eat popsicles for breakfast lunch and dinner, and watch anything I want on tv). He always comes back with a fresh outlook and lots of new ideas, and I want the house to be clean and organized for our fresh start. 

Wow, where does the time go?........already December.  Yowzer.

1 comment:

  1. haha MASH. that's funny. I really like your candle holders. and that scarf is cute even if you went to an old lady store to get it. nice posty.
