Monday, December 27, 2010

Luvin' me some Labs

So while browsing the internets today I found 100 more dogs that I want to adopt to come live at our PalmChalski Seaside Dog Villas.  I've been cruising all the shelter and rescue sites the last month and it hurts to see all the little faces, just patiently waiting for homes.

A new site I found today was Luvin' Labs, an ABQ Lab rescue.  They foster, place, and advertise shelter dogs from all over the state (did you know that people discriminate against black dogs and they are not as easy to adopt out as lighter colored dogs?!)

Well anyways, I fell for quite a few of their labs, but one specifically reminded me of Luka.  She is the same size, a year younger, black, and A GIRL!  She moved here from Alaska with her Air Force family and the house they have on the base doesn't have a yard for her and they feel terrible that she is in her crate all day and is depressed.  Because she is not officially a lab in the organization (Luvin Labs was contacted by the family yesterday and agreed to put her on the site), the adoption process might be even easier.

Here's hoping!

I love her big nose and shiny black hair. Love love love.

1 comment:

  1. oh my GAWD. you have to adopt her. she will love you and Dave and her big back yard and luka. save her save her save her!!!!!!!!
