On Saturday David went snowboarding with some friends and since I would be staying home all day, I offered to dog sit their new white lab. He's a handful...to say the least. He's like a 100 lbs big boy puppy who wants to play / hump all the time. Of course he finally chilled out and I thought I would run to Costplus real quick to pick up some Vday presents, so I put him in Lola's crate and ran out the door. When I came back, who greeted me at the door? yep, 100 lb Modus/Houdini escaped from the crate, without even opening the crate door.
Then on Sunday, I babysat my nephew. I know, such an exciting life right? He was a good boy.He had fun following Dave around all day and then took a whopping 3.5 hour nap. Evidence:
THEN, I had Monday off to 'celebrate' Valentines Day. I thought I would do something nice for D because he is really good at surprising me and being thoughtful, and I'm not. I cleaned house and made a cheese platter, steamed artichokes, and oysters baked with bacon and blue cheese. And, inspired by the latest trends in forts seen here and here, I built this beauty:
You know, lots of string, a couple of sheets, some xmas lights, and our futon. It was a hit. D was super surprised (I kept the living room closed off until we went in there and all the candles and lights were lit). We ate our dinner in the fort, and then cuddled up and watched Steven Speilberg's "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." I wanted to keep the fort up for a while, but alas, it had to come down when David had people over the watch the Lobo game last night.
So that's about it! Exciting, I know.
The final bonus is that my work week was only 4 days, and that I'm almost through it and on to another weekend. Holla.
damn your fort is great.