Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Baby It's Cold Outside

Holy crap it's freezing cold outside.  I trudged into work yesterday thinking I would leave early, but instead stayed late.  From my little cubicle I saw the parking lot go from wet slush, to bright white icy frost in the hour after the sun went down.  It NEVER gets this cold in NM.  Craziness.  When I drove home, the roads were in good condition, but there was a super strong wind and at some points I felt like I was drifting and thought I was sliding, but instead I was being blown off the road!

Lola and Luka had a ball running in the snow yesterday, chasing eachother and drawing figure 8s in the snow.  I think Lola loves the cold because of her homeland roots in Alaska because she could care less about going outside on a normal day, but all of a sudden she can't wait to get out there.  Brrr, no thanks.

Last night when I came home we turned up the heat, burned the pellet stove, and had a raging fire (our first of the year).  It was awesome and warm and bright.

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