So if you didn't already know...I kinda have a thing for the number 22. Who knows if it's because my brain is trained to look for it, or if the universe aligns to give me little signs that things are good, but I see 22 everywhere. I catch the time at :22 after the hour at least 4 times a day, and usually catch 11:11 once a day. I often get receipts where the total ends in .22 cents. (By the way I just looked at the clock and it's 11:21 right now-- my brain is right on time -- now it's 11:22). Of course my birthday is on the 22nd also, and last night I started reading "Bel Canto" (thanks JD) and in the first few pages it states how the main character's bday is also October of course I'll finish the book because I know it is meant to be. When I see 22 I feel at ease and like things are meant to be. When I started at PRN, JD and HM started on the same day as me and they share the same birthday of October 11, which adds up to my birthday October 22. Anyways, I could go on and on and on, but my point is that I like these auspicious dates / numbers / coincidences.
Here are some interesting facts my dad forwarded to me about 2011:
- This year, July has 5 Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. This happens only every 823 years.
- This year has quite a few unusual dates: 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11
- Now the craziest one of all: Take the last two digits of the year in which you were born - now add
the age you will be this year, the results will be 111 for everyone in whole world (unless you were born after 2000, then it will add up to 11)
Lets just let that soak in for a little bit...
wooaa. freaking weird. I forgot i recommended Bel Canto to you. lemme know what you think when you are done. AND i also forgot about the whole bday trifecta going on btwn me, you and HM. crazay
ReplyDeleteit's a mighty trifecta! JD and RP best not forget