Monday, March 14, 2011

Current Events!

1.  Last week I led a few training sessions at work...and survived.  They went pretty well and I feel at ease going back to work tomorrow to give the last session, but after this I'm done!  No more trainings, ever.  I can now list on my resume that I have trained my colleagues on an internal operating system, and I will ask for a starting salary of $1,000,000.  Thank you very much.

2.  yowzer!  So much is going on in the world the past few weeks!  There is so much international news lately it's been hard to keep up with it, there's more and more everyday.  Of course reading all the news makes me thankful that I live a fairly quiet life, but also makes me wish there was more I could do besides just sending good thoughts.  It's so hard to believe all the change that is going on and the world is soo big and there are so many lives affected by nature and by man made institutions and that good things happen and bad things happen and this is the ebb and flow of the world.  yowzer x2. 

3.  Last weekend I bought a ton of frames at a thrift store and then jazzed them up with some ivory satin spray paint.  It took me a few days but I'm pretty happy with the final product.  At first I thought the pictures looked too bunched up on the wall, but I hope to eventually add two larger frames on either side to kinda balance it out and also maybe put a table or short long bookshelf underneath so it looks all tied together and intentional.

two coats of paint = two cans of spray paint
I tried out multiple arrangements, it was frustrating to say the least

 4.  David has been a crazy workaholic the last week and I think things are finally winding down.  There were massive problems at work and he handled all the millions of phone calls with grace and poise.  I was very very proud of him and it gave me a glimpse into the future when he is the high powered executive of a solar powered medical equipment start up company.  He has come a long way in this job, and quite frankly I think he has surpassed it and should move on to a new project.  He will only move up and up and up, and at his current company, I'm afraid he might just get stuck frantically running in place.  Naturally, things will work themselves out and we will both end up doing something completely different than what we started with.

5. I just got a call from one of my really good girlfriends that she got engaged over the weekend!  We are both on the same page as far as not being over hyped about engagements (she and her dude have been together for 8 years) but more interested in finally just doing the deed, but I'm still so happy for her!  Still can't believe we are grown ups now.  I filled the warm afternoon with memories of her and her soon to be hubby, memories that date back to high school...craziness. 

6.  Holy heck!?  it's SPRING!!!  the time change is official and now I am back to enjoying the looonnnnnggg days.  You've never seen a girl as happy as me when I go to lunch at 6pm and the sun is still high in the sky.  I get to sit outside and take walks on the bike paths and drive with the windows down....LOVE daylight savings / springtime.  Also in Spring news, some tulips came up!  and like clockwork, those naughty dogs dug them up and ate the bulbs. 

7.  This weekend we FINALLY got a car trailer from U-Haul and brought the Jeep down from Santa Fe.  It's been about six weeks that D's aunt has had our car in her driveway, and she was sooo gracious and never called us to get it the heck outta there.  But we did, bc we need to figure out what to do will el Jepe, and we can't do anything with it until it is actually here, in ABQ.  We borrowed D's bro's truck and headed up!  It was a nice day and a really nice little car trip and we reminisced about the good times and road trips we took in el Jepe...may he rest in peace.
Now that D has seen Jepe's face again, he wants to fix him and resell him....but I'm putting my foot down on this one.  It's time to say goodbye and let someone else take care of Jeep defects.

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