Tuesday, July 12, 2011

oh me oh my july

good houses, bad houses, sweet houses, no houses?

staying here, putting down roots, sticking it out, moving away?

taking the gre, sending in my application, getting my masters degree, give up?

If you haven't figured it out already, I'm kinda lost.  I knew David was applying for an out of state job at GE, but he's taking his sweet ass time so I figured it was another thing pushed to the side and I started looking for houses here in ABQ.  No I don't want to live here for another 2 years, much 5 or more years if we buy a house.  Last year when I came back from Oregon I wanted to move asap but D and I both agreed we should stay here and go back to school first so we could get instate tuition. 

Well here I am getting geared up (scared shitless) to go back to school, only to find out that UNM makes it. so. freaking. difficult. 1) take GRE. 2) application due in Dec. 3) acceptances sent in March. 4) program starts in fall.  Sounds simple, right?  it's not.  Because I was a slacker from 2003-2004, my dented GPA requires me to take 9 hours of graduate level classes and earn higher than a 3.0 before I can apply for the program.  That means that I will have to take classes this fall in preparation for my application in Dec. 2012, for my acceptance in March of 2013, and program of fall 2013.  Well the classes this fall are either in the middle of the afternoon or the evening, no good, oh and yeah, I'm going to be gone almost the entire month of November when I go to India.  (*&(&(##$)*)@#)*)&@#@*!@  sooooooooo, now what?  what's the point of sticking it out in NM for instate tuition if I could move to Oregon and earn instate tuition by 2013?

Secondly, David finished his cover letter this week and plans on calling his GE connection (his Dad's girlfriend's sister is the VP Queen of all of GE) later this week.  The program requires that you go to upstate NY for 6-12 mos for training, and then you are assigned to a territory based on the industry you choose.  It could be Kansas, it could be Poland.  He is not thrilled about living in the middle of nowhere, but I keep telling him, once you put in your time, he can transfer us to Paris or Milan.  But why am I buying a house if we could be out of here in the next six mos / year?  If / when he does apply, he is a shoe in and will be groomed for executive positions and we won't be coming back for sometime.  My little house wife dream is that he gets 'stationed' somewhere random in the US (I would die of luckiness if it were somewhere in the pacific northwest), he makes a geerrrreaaattt salary, I can be a full time student and graduate in 2+ years, and then we move somewhere more normal and settle down. 

But none of this may happen, so should I keep my options open and keep house hunting here?  I've found one I really really love and I want our parents / investors to see it, but should we bother?  I feel bad for our realtor, running us around to all these walk throughs and we might just give up :(

I keep trying to think positive thoughts, give up control of the situation, and hope that everything will work itself out (I have a little fear that nothing will work itself out if I don't take control and I may be sitting here 5 years from now wishing I'd moved away and gone to school already). 

On a better note, I have a short week at work and we are going camping up at Navajo Lake (I've never been!)  This will be Lola's very first Palmchalski family camping trip and it will be her fiirst trip to a lake!  I'm sooooo excited to watch her learn how to swim and to be a dirty wild dog with her bro Luka and buddy Modus.  I keep telling her that she is going to the mountains this weekend, but she doesn't know what this means.  Poor dog, she's been with us for seven months and we haven't taken her out of the city yet.  She is going to be soooooooo happy and sooooooooo tired.

Lola and her BFF Narayan

did I mention that my baby Lola turned two years old last week?  July 5.

doggie pool with Modus


  1. eeeee. he is applying for that GE job? and he is a shoe in? Dude, that's the way to go. you will get to go all over the place with that job. dont rush into buying a house if you know you dont want to stay here!

  2. I don't know the answer... but we just got back today from a weeklong trip to Oregon, where Michael grew up. I've visited a lot, but during this trip I fell in love. Good luck getting to there someday, Rebecca. Oh, and speaking as a former homeowner, now renter, either option has ups and downs and there is an ebb and flow between responsibility and freedom. Also, Narayan is beautiful (he is so big!)... and now I want a Lola of my own!
