Tuesday, June 7, 2011

back in the saddle

I'm back, yay!  but also I'm back, boo!

Jamaica:  awesome.

Filled with beautiful flowers, soft white sandy beaches, and energetic, child-like, friendly Jamaicans.  

The best part:  spending time with good friends and being adventurous / taking new risks / letting loose / having fun / being carefree

Coming back I felt so light and airy, with no cares in the world.  I had forgotten that work / family / time even existed and David and I enjoyed a few days of post-vacation basking at home.  Yesterday I looked forward to going back to work and felt energized and ready to take charge.  It lasted about 35 minutes.  By the time I finished checking all my emails, I was ready for a cocktail break.  My attention span = tiny, my motivation = tinier, my patience = non-existent.  Going on vacation makes me wish that I was mega wealthy and could travel 24/7, with no job.


Of course, after any vacation, I am re-evaluating life and what direction I want it to go.  Do I want to stay where I am?  Do I have the means to get where I want to go?  Can David just do all the hard work for me so I can ride his coat tails and not have to worry about all these big life questions?  In my freakin dreams.  It's all so scary and I'm avoiding taking the GRE, talking to advisors, buying a house, moving away, etc. because I fear that I'll get rejected or will find out my goals are farther out of my reach than I thought.


Anyways, on a better note, here are some memorable moments from our trip : ) in no particular order

I've spent the last week eating non-stop and indulging in my cravings, and all that fatty food and huge servings has made me feel sick and yucky.  Back on the health food wagon (McDonald's pushed me over the edge last night).


1 comment:

  1. returning from awesome vacations ALWAYS puts me into a deep depression. ALWAYS. it will go away in about two weeks. Your pictures are amazing i am sure you had a freaking blast. and yeah...when i came back from hawaii i felt so disgusting from the food/drink i ate. vacations are a double edged sword. when is the next trip?
