I am so sooo proud of David today. He is out in Las Vegas, NV for some conference and had to give a presentation in front of medical industry people and his bosses about the future of accessing medical information on mobile devices and how, as a manager, to implement policy and procedure into your company to protect electronic patient health information (if I sound like I know what I'm talking about, it's because we spent some late nights this past weekend researching, writing, and smoothing out this darn powerpoint presentation).
Poor guy had little direction or instruction from his bosses and when they told him he only had to talk for ten mins, keep it basic, and not answer questions, he turned a deaf ear and instead listenend to his amazing girlfriend who knows that watching a schmuck talk about something you already know for ten minutes sucks. We put together a very comprehensive, well thought-out presentation (which the bosses thought was too wordy -- of course) and filled it with lots of beautiful graphics. I want him to look bonified up there, and seriously bosses?! don't you want the rep from your company to look credible and bring interested foot traffic to your booth?! gosh!
So, step one: write a bangin power point -- accomplished
Step two: present said power point -- easier said than done
Poor Dave has been fretting about this for a month, and in the last few days his anxiety has reached its max. Last night I talked to him for like ten mins and he was sitting in his hotel room with his nerves in a bundle, wondering "what if I sound stupid? what if i forget my words? what if the audience already knows all of this stuff? or I can't make it last longer than 10 mins?" We said goodnight and I felt terrible for him, god knows I wouldn't want to be in his shoes.
He called back half an hour later and said he was getting hives....It was time to break out the motivational speech of the century.
I told him that he is amazing and charming and if he went up there and just talked to the audience like real human beings and related to them, and stood up tall and smiled, and made it a conversation backed by slides...they would all be so convinced that he is bonified that he could talk all kinds of bull shit and they would eat it up, all because he is so likeable. It lasted 13 mins, 45 secs, and when we said goodbye, he sounded like he was gonna live.
Today I went to the balloon fiesta and came home afterwards and took a nap. I knew if I slept through his presentation I would be less nervous for him and would be able to project my positive thoughts accross the Continental Divide, to a conference room in the Monte Carlo. When I woke up, I texted him a gentle 'How did it go?' and received a "I feel much better! It went great love! Thank you for everything"
Glad this is over, but seemed like a nice reminder of some things:
-- Bosses are always wrong, but when things go right, they love reaping the rewards
-- Survived the stressed, late-night studying / paper writing sessions = we are definately capable of going back to grad school (I've been doubtful)
-- Another step to adulthood for D - In twenty years this stupid presentation will be a blip compared to all the presentations he is bound to give. He is a real grown up who is teaching other older adults?!
-- He is a smart and talented guy - I tend to rag on him quite a bit about how Highland Highschool was for 'special' kids, how sometimes it is 'just bridge under the water,' how he didn't know pediatricians only took children as patients, etc., etc., etc., But he knows what is going on and he deserves due credit.
-- It is really great to have a copy of yourself to balance you out - I lack in the schmoozy dept., but it's always been the case that when he is down, I am down, and it feels really great when I can pick him up and vice versa and I guess this is how it's going to be for the rest of forever, grown up style. We've been together for 5 1/2 years and (again) I'm just now feeling like an adult who is in an adult relationship (I need to seriously get over this).
Hope that he doesn't celebrate in any Las Vegas strip clubs and can't wait to see him come home tomrrow. That is all.