So it's not yet my birtday... but some of my greatest friends precede me by just mere weeks, and every year I am given fair warning that here comes the ol' B-day, another year older. Usually I am not much of a numbers/age girl (if you ask me how old I am, 9 months out of the year I just guess in the 23-25 range), but THIS year, I am very coherently turning Twenty-Six Years Old, and I'm very pleased with this number. Not yet 30, but no longer in the carefree college 20's. Like hey, I'm 70% grown-up, 30% clueless. I could really care less about the number because age should be based on how you feel, right?
Ok so there's the problem. I feel like I'm 50. Life is good, but the body is slow and creaky. Metabolism is coming to a halt, everything more than ten feet away is a blur, I find it hard to concentrate and remember things from moment to moment, joints are cracking and popping, I have a mean thick gray hair that keeps growing at the very top of my head, and I'm developing a bad case of vertigo / car sickness / heights phobia. Oh God. I eat pretty healthily (minus the occasional fast food splurge) and could use to exercise more, but I guess it's time to put in a little more effort.
Here is to getting a headstart on 26 and making more meals at home, taking my vitamins, walking the dog EVERDAY, using my lunch break to actually breathe fresh air, reading more books (watch less TV -- it's poisoning my mind), stop chewing my nails, AND (here comes the big one) getting glasses. Yowzer. Not too hard right?
Well step #1 begins tomorrow when I wake up early to help my sister with her garden, go out to breakfast with D and order a light meal instead of a massive Omlette-con-colesterol, and then he is taking me to my eye doctor appointment to pick out some bomb frames and get my ojos dialated. yarg.
Hopefully, a month from now when I turn 26, the ol' body will also feel 26. :)